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January 15th, 2017

January 15th, 2017 I peed my pants a lot. It sounds really funny now but at that time I thought I was going to drift off into a dusty, Northeast India abyss. I straight up thought I was going to…

Meaningful Chaos

Sweet Jesus,  Thank you for what you’ve allowed in this life which brought deep pain. Thank you for showing me a deeper, reckless love and intense joy. Thank you for fighting for me even when I felt your presence was…

Breathe Life

In a society so deeply distracted and consumed by busy, what does it look like for you to come to what you know is true and who the Lord says you are? When life feels like to much for me,…

Believing In Me

In asking you to come alongside me financially and prayerfully, I’m asking you to believe in me. How could I ask this of you before ever telling you what you’re trusting me to steward? This is what I believe in,…

The Life of Alex

Hey there pals! I’m so glad you’ve decided to visit my CGA blog! I’m a HUGE fan of questions so while giving you some general info about the life of me I figured I would answer some of my favorite…

The Promise of What Could Be

Two weeks ago I found myself in the upstairs of Adventures in Missions’ (AIM) offices eating sour cream and onion chips out of the front pocket of my overalls, my party pocket, crying. I had just received an email declaring…